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                                                                     Artist Statement


          Passion for Nature & Photography has inspired me since 1992. This beauty and my respect for nature have infatuated me for my entire life and I am driven by a desire to express these amazing subjects through photography. I established B.C. Nature Photography in 2001. Since that date I have owned and operated this self-employed business, mostly consisting of exhibiting my wildlife and landscape photography at art festivals within the Western United States. Interacting with people about nature continually increases my longing to acquire more wild experiences.

           The outdoorsman that I have become has taught me the importance of understanding nature & patience in waiting for the right moment. Twenty years of my images have been acquired by way of film, but I am currently using digital equipment with very little Photoshop editing. Scouting, spotting & stocking, camouflage, scent block, tree stands, ground blinds, and understanding wildlife behavior are some other techniques that I use.

          There is not a substitute for the satisfying experience of photographing the incredible outdoors, whether I am in the farmlands, wetlands or the most beautiful mountains of the high country. Photography allows me to record these irreplaceable memories and I am excited to share this fascinating world with you.

          My Limited Edition photographic paper, metal & canvas prints are well-preserved with high quality, professional printing. All archival materials are used to insure a lifetime of enjoyment. If I have not printed these images myself, they have been done under my direct supervision. Knowing that my customers enjoy my work provides an indescribable feeling and feeds my passion even more. Everything in its whole completes my inner feelings for this life that I enjoy so very much.


          Thank You for your interest in my work!!!

          Brad Carlin

          B.C. Nature Photography


© 2020 by Brad Carlin

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